Adding privacy/password protection to uploaded videos directly into Wix

I’m trying to upload a video from vimeo to my video gallery, but it won’t let me as my vimeo video is private and password protected. Due to my job, I have to have this one specific video reel password protected. I was trying to see if I can upload and password protect the video when in Wix, but it doesn’t seem like you can do that. Only the specific page can be, which is ridiculous cause then I have to make a whole separate page for one video and put all my other videos somewhere else. If there is a way of putting a password protect/privacy on one video and not the whole page that would be great. I get why just copying the url won’t work, but I don’t understand why I can’t upload the video file on my drive directly into the wix video gallery and go to edit settings and just have an option to make the video public or private. Other websites like SquareSpace has this issue as well so I believe this is a feature that is a must.


This is my issue as well but I can’t see any of the other comments???