Hi! Editor X has a couple of input values currently. However, the system does not allow for Rich Text input yet.
It would be awesome to have that additional feature.
Hi! Editor X has a couple of input values currently. However, the system does not allow for Rich Text input yet.
It would be awesome to have that additional feature.
I need this sooo badly and cannot figure out a workaround. Have been trying to embed CKEditor in an iFrame but their
margins are way bigger than Wix’s so it’s almost impossible to use effectively.
Yes, we need an input field for rich text!
I would still love this. Can we please get it added to the to-do list at Wix?
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Will forward to team to have Rich Input fields.
Have you figured out a workaround yet? Or have an update when the input is coming to EditorX?
@chasebaronalthen work in progress at this point.
@andrewt Keep me updated if you find a fix please! When’s richtext coming as a user input??