Adding Videos to Repeaters

I am working on a project for a client who wants to show classes and videos/tests. I have the student side set up and everything to show all of the info and the client wants a section for the instructors to see all of the lessons. I figured to easiest, quickest way would be a repeater but I’m not sure if I can change out the image element for a video element. The repeater would also have the lesson pdf link, youtube video, and lesson name… So does anyone know if there is a way to add YouTube videos to a repeater?


I made my own “repeater” that allows me to do this. But when repeaters allow youtube videos, someone let me know!

Hi Patrick,
As you already know, video element is not supported in a Repeater element.
Feel free to add a feature request here .

Hey Patrick,
i’m looking for this video in repeater as a solution. is there any way i can borrow the one you made haha?
but seriously, need one that can host video.

Thanks in advance!

Perhaps this can help…

By the way, this is an old post. Feel free to open a new post with own issue to be discussed.

Thread should be closed.