Repeaters with embedded video

Hi all,

Have been using Wix for a while now, but have just begun to get really into coding on a little project I’m doing.

One of my project pages is a page displaying a DJs favourite tracks of the month. The page will have the track, artist, a blurb about the track, and most importantly the embedded video for the track. The idea being the track can be played within the page ( all the tracks have YouTube videos) .

I’ve built the page manually but as I the idea is to do this every month I wanted to use a data collection to have it build the page for me from the raw data instead.

I’ve got the general idea of a repeater and (think) I can get everything to layout the way I want except one thing, the video .

I know the video column can be read from a dynamic page as I’ve tried it, the element will read the dataset URL and embed the video, however I cannot see a way to do this in a repeater.

I can add the video element but I cannot drag the element into the repeater item. This appears to be by design, but I’ve not seen anything to definitively state that.

I’ve been reading about repeaters from this page > < and about adding dynamic content from this page > CMS (Formerly Content Manager): About Displaying Collection Content in a Repeater | Help Center | < but there’s nothing that actually explains how to embed the objects so I’m using common sense.

There is a “Note” on the former page that says:

You can use these elements when designing your repeater layout: text, images, shapes, boxes, buttons, galleries, and tables.
I’m trying to clarify (this may have already been stated definitively elsewhere so apologies if there’s a page that does so that I haven’t gotten to yet) if the above note is a definitive list of the ONLY things allowed in a repeater items?

If yes, does anyone know if there is a feature request to add the ability to use the video element in the repeater item so I can vote for it.

Also. If anyone knows of a way for me to achieve what I’m trying to achieve, I would be more than grateful to try something!

Thanks in advance!

Currently, there’s no option to attach a video to a repeater. You can submit a feature request in the Feature Requests forum category. You can add the Wix Pro Gallery app to add a video gallery, however, the items cannot be updated dynamically.

Have a good day,

Hi Tal,

Thanks for your reply. I assume from the link that there is no open feature request for this and I should create a new one?


the fact that i come here years later after googling for probably the same, and not a single answer to your actual question has been given, bothers me more than it should

Hello Rick,

what is exactly your question?
I would suggest you to open a new own post with a new own topic and describe what you want to achieve.

I have read the issue of the post-opener, but did not really understand his problem.
If you are searching for some king of “video-playlist” which is fired by a database (gets his data from database) then you can take a look at this example here…

In this example you will see a repeater, which takes all the data/information from a database.

Take also a look at this post here…