I have created a wix form and would like to use the response to edit a text element. I would like the response from the user to edit a piece of text on my website, to be more specific. Is there any way i could use code or a database to solve the problem. here is the link to the website: https://henrybarea.wixsite.com/japanpackageholiday/mt-fuji
Thank you in advance for your help!
Wix Forms is a Wix app which you have to add the submission table for, so you are limited to what you can do through Wix Corvid.
Why not just make your own user input forms and use your own datasets to collect the info and then simply pull the needed info onto whatever page you need it.
Than you for replying.
I think moving away from the wic apps are the best way to go. I will try out your method as soon as I can and let you know what thought