Is one of the new APIs gives the option of creating affiliate program in wix store? So we will be able to know from which URL the client came?
Please say YES!!!
Is one of the new APIs gives the option of creating affiliate program in wix store? So we will be able to know from which URL the client came?
Please say YES!!!
Hi Mirit,
not sure I get the exact scenario you have in mind.
can you provide a bit more context?
They have a store in WIX. They create some affiliate program webpage. They send out the url address like:
In their store they can check if the customer that is buying things came from that url or some other. If they did come from that url they might want to alter discounts or just store the ordervalue together with the affiliate id of 767676 so they know how much to pay to affiliates driving traffic or orders to they store.
What Andreas said!
We need to know from which URL the client came in order to pay commision. Is this possible?
OK… got it.
so there are two parts to it:
know the URL.
that’s easy - just take a look at wix-location in the API reference.
using the query params on the URL, modify how a store behaves.
this one is more tricky since at this time wix stores does not expose an API for wix code to integrate with.
so the flexibility you have is rather limited.
I would be grateful if you could provide a few more concrete requirements - what exactly would you want to be impacted per affiliate?
then I could either suggest a way to do it or learn a bit more about which wix-stores integration requirements our users have.
Thank you Ziv.
If i understand the API correctly, it will give as the ability to know from what URL the client enter to specific page on our website. correct?
We would like to know this information on clients that make a purchase on the store (If the client didn’t make a purchase it is less interesting us). Only this will give us the ability to pay commision to our affiliates, according to the number of purchases (or products cost) made by clients that came through them.
This is the basic requirement, of course we will need a good way to get this information (see this info per purchase / report, etc)
Second stage is to have more complex report per purchase with more details: from which URL the client came, the product that was bought, purchase ammount, etc.
Hope i made it a bit more clear now and you can provide some sort of initialy solusion.
Thank you
I too am looking for this feature! I created a dynamic page that is unique to each site member in my database. The store products are shown on the page. Their “id number” is part of the database and part of the URL for the member’s dynamic page. I would somehow like to attach that number to the store order placed from that URL.
To get the referrer url, use wixWindow,referrer
import wixWindow from 'wix-window';
// ...
let referrer = wixWindow.referrer
Yes but I’m not all tech savvy and would have no clue how to include that information with the store order.
I want to add a Back button to a dynamic page (as a convenience for the user) that would bring them back to the page from which they navigated to the dynamic page (essentially the same function as the browser’s back button). Within my site I have numerous static pages that can direct the user to the dynamic page in question.
wixWindow.referrer returns null for me when I navigate to a dynamic page from a static page within my site.
Am I doing something incorrectly?
Any information as to when the store API info will be opened up? Feature just says coming soon and its been over 5 months!
Who wants to create a fully functional affiliate marketing software for WIX? we NEED one
I have website and I am trying to integrate an Affiliate Program into it. I want two of the following things:
When the visitor coming through the affiliate link fills the form in the chat button (name, email and phone) it is updated in my affiliate’s dashboard with the name, email and phone.
When the visitor coming through the affiliate link Signs Up the same is updated in the affiliate’s dashboard (name and email)
I have not been able to extract the information from the chat form or the sign up page and send it externally to my affiliate’s ID.
Need urgent help.