AfterInsert Hooks Not Working

I am getting this error:

Hook afterInsert for collection MyCollectionName result ignored! Expected hook result to resolve to an object with an ‘_id’ property, but got [Undefined]

I’m able to dump the item and the context to the console and the information is there, including the so-called undefined ‘_id’ property.

Right now it appears that hooks are unreliable and they have to be coded elsewhere (over and over again).

Without any code or screenshots, we can only guess, therefore please check that your code is correct.

I was having the same problem when I tried to save data to more than one database, but then I realized I left out the ‘let’ and ‘return’ statements. So the function must include them, or at least the ‘return’ statement:

export function myCollection_afterInsert(item, context) {
let hookContext = context;

// here goes whatever action you want to run, between ‘let’ and ‘return’

return item; //so the item value is returned to the function caller