Problem with Data Hook in afterQuery

I have the following logged record content and followed by an error in my developer console.

{ _id: 'fff55747-f004-42bc-8a41-3981a4453cb1',   title: 'Trouble editing my site, can anyone help?',   link: '',   comments: 0,   likes: 0,   views: 1,   created: '7 minutes ago',   recent: '7 minutes ago',   author: 'xuda360  ',   forum: 'Community Discussions',   _createdDate: 2018-11-18T15:47:56.635Z,   _updatedDate: 2018-11-18T15:47:56.635Z }

Hook afterQuery for collection WixShowForumContent result ignored! Expected hook result to resolve to an object with an '_id' property, but got [Undefined]

But as I see there is a _id in the content I get when console.log(item) and then I execute the below code and that don’t work as expected.

afterQuery function

export function WixShowForumContent_afterQuery(item, context) {

And the hook calls on deleteSpam sending in the item.

export function deleteSpam(item) {
 if (item.title.toLowerCase().includes("http://") || item.title.toLowerCase().includes("https://") || item.title.toLowerCase().includes("free shipping") || item.title.toLowerCase().includes("buy") || item.title.toLowerCase().includes("wa-") || item.title.toLowerCase().includes("keto")) {
        wixData.remove("WixShowForumContent", item._id).then((removed) => {

And that does not work. Is it some limitations in the afterQuery hook?

@andreas-kviby , have you figured it out?