"all" option in drop-down element.

im trying to create a data capture form, I have added a drop-down element or drop down menu, it displays the 3 options but also an "all option. i dont want the all option as user can select only one. please help

I also found that to be an issue and was able to use wixData to populate the dropdown. If WIX has a solution using the dataset only

This reply didn’t help me. What was the solution to getting ‘all’ out of the selectable options again?

There are more than 1 possibile SOLUTION.

  1. You do not use a DATASET, instead you code everything.
  2. You use DATASET → but you manipulate your DROPDOWN by → CODE anyway.

You will find a very similar post/issue here…

Same problem, regarding the connected DROPDOWN to a DATASET and the → “All” value.

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