I have seen some similar code to create a ‘All’ option on a dropdown to show all data regardless of any selection however none are working for me.
I have created my own values in the dropdown and have linked it to my dataset. I have two pages both showing the same data but one in a form and one in a list format.
https://. www.cogs-europe. com/immediate-candidates
I would appreciate if someone could have a quick look and advise on how I may create a solution for the ‘All’ value in the dropdown to work.
Thanks in advance!
p.s. Still in pilot before release so my generic profile pictures will be changed 
A few questions, do you want an option “All” and when a user choose it, it’ll bring back all the elements (resetting the filters)?
I did notice that your event handler that you’ve created always reset the filters, the solution is to disconnect the dropdown from the dataset and filter the dataset problematically .
export function typeDropdown_change(event) {
let filterType = $w('#dropdown1').value;
if (filterType === "All") {
} else {
wixData.filter().eq('location', filterValue)
So in both cases the code will reset the filter, but it doesn’t, your code tells that you’re using a dataset to populate that repeater, and that the dataset is overriding the code, I suggest that you disconnect the dataset and populate the repeater manually with a query, if you need help please let me know.
Yes I need a dropdown thats selects all in order to return to my original full set of data. How would I achieve what you have suggested?
You need to disconnect the the dropdown from the dataset, then update the code to filter the dataset based on the value of the dropdown menu, only if it wasn’t “All”.
I’ve updated the answer above.