Allow Full Screen option in Wix Pro Gallery when using the mobile editor

Basic and easy request this one, purely to add an ‘Allow Full Screen’ option in the mobile editor settings for Wix Pro Gallery.

It is in the desktop editor settings and works fine, however would prefer to have the option to not allow full screen images on some images when using mobile editor too.

Are you talking about the “enable full screen” toggle in the “customize expand mode” window, or on “what happens when clicking on an item” in the settings tab? what is the functionality that you’re looking for?

Am looking at the enable full screen choice in the customise expand mode window, the option is in desktop editor but it isn’t in mobile editor.

So should the turning off of the ‘full screen’ option in the desktop editor mean that it should apply to both desktop and mobile and turn full screen images off on both. Or we can’t currently turn off the full screen option when viewing galleries on mobile devices.

Only asking as I have setup a few galleries which are fine, however the last few days when viewing on any mobile device and view the image in expanded view, if you click on it again to view full screen the image doesn’t appear on screen properly. For some unknown reason all my full screen images are appearing at the bottom of any mobile device screen and not in the middle as they should.

This has been reported to Wix and they are looking into it, however if the option of being able to turn off full screen images on mobile devices was possible, then this would eliminate this issue until Wix fix it.