I’m having some challenges tailoring my website content for mobile devices in Wix Studio. Never had these challenges when using Wix “Classic” Mobile Editor. Greatly appreciate your advice! Four immediate challenges I’m having:
When attempting to use the “Wix AI desktop-to-mobile conversion” functionality, sometimes after it processes and asks if I want to accept, the mobile version content disappears and does not display on the “AI suggested version.” Do you know why this happens and where my content goes? It literally just shows a blank section as its “recommended mobile version render.”
The Wix Pro Galleries that I have on my desktop site do not show up in the Wix Studio Mobile editor version of my website. Why is this happening? How can I correct?
In Wix “Classic” Mobile Editor, there is a function to “Hide” an entire page of your website from the mobile version. I can’t seem to find this in Wix Studio Mobile Editor. Does it exist? Is there a way to hide an entire page in Wix Studio Mobile Editor (and not just individual elements)?
I spent over 5 hours and 200 modifications to my mobile version only to find out that it was messing up my desktop version too (so I had to revert to a previous version of my website and start all over after losing all those modifications). For example, the header I created in the mobile version also showed up in the desktop version. Is there a way to prevent this with headers or other content? I thought the edits only “flowed down” to smaller dimension devices (i.e. desktop > tablet > mobile).
Thanks for your insight!