Hello all,
I have a situation that I’m assuming would require some mix of coding and creativity.
I want to allow members of my site to be able to “save” a page for their own reference at a later time, so that they can go to their member profile page (or another page) and see all the pages they “saved.”
I was thinking that may be I could set-up an element, which upon click would collect the URL of the current page, and add it to a collection. Then, I could set-up a separate member-specific page, where they will see all the URLs they saved by pulling the information saved from that collection (and may be giving them some permissions to alter or delete the data).
What do you all think? Anyone savvy enough with Wix coding to accomplish this?
P.S.: I apparently have a tendency to overthink things when it comes to coding, so if you can think of an easier way, I am all ears… I just want to allow the users to have customized experiences at my Wix website.
Thank you all.
Raghav Suri, Psy.D.
Clinical psychologist, U.C. Berkeley
License # 29173
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