Allowing customers to Book Multiple sessions

Is it possible with corvid to allowing Customers to Book Multiple sessions at the Same Time?

Hi there.

It might not be possible with Corvid. I found this post in our Corvid forum that provides additional information.

Thank you for your feedback.

Hey Steven! I got it! I developed by myself based on api wix bookings.

Here some peace of my code…

myArrayFiltered.forEach( function (item) {

let bookingInfo = {
// objeto da vaga selecionada
“slot” : availableSlots.find((slot) => slot._id === item.slotid),
// valores do formulário preenchido coletados acima
“formFields” : formFieldValues

    console.log( 'bookingInfo:' , bookingInfo); 

let options = {
“paymentType” : “wixPay_Offline”

// finalização da reserva
wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo, options)
.then((results) => {
$w( ‘#confirmationText’ ).show();
$w( ‘#confirmationText’ ).text = results.status;
console.log( ‘results:’ , results.status);


Any chance that this feature can be available for all users in the Editor?

Amazing! Thank you for sharing this.

@support66 I’ll forward your feedback to our team!

If someone are interesting how to implement this, send me a message! :slight_smile:

You should write a how-to post in the forum, I’m sure other partners would find it incredibly valuable.

When I have time, i will write how can implement this functionality.

Amazing! Let me know when you do, I’d love to promote it!

@sheyla I created a page to test my implementation.

@fagnertakeshi This is so cool! Is this the final version?

@sheyla This page already works, booking a multiple appointment, choosing a specific date/hour at checkbox below.

@fagnertakeshi this is great work! The only thing missing is a how-to article :stuck_out_tongue:

@sheyla takes time!!! I’ll do it!
