Is it possible with corvid to allowing Customers to Book Multiple sessions at the Same Time?
Hi there.
It might not be possible with Corvid. I found this post in our Corvid forum that provides additional information.
Thank you for your feedback.
Hey Steven! I got it! I developed by myself based on api wix bookings.
Here some peace of my code…
myArrayFiltered.forEach( function (item) {
let bookingInfo = {
// objeto da vaga selecionada
“slot” : availableSlots.find((slot) => slot._id === item.slotid),
// valores do formulário preenchido coletados acima
“formFields” : formFieldValues
console.log( 'bookingInfo:' , bookingInfo);
let options = {
“paymentType” : “wixPay_Offline”
// finalização da reserva
wixBookings.checkoutBooking(bookingInfo, options)
.then((results) => {
$w( ‘#confirmationText’ ).show();
$w( ‘#confirmationText’ ).text = results.status;
console.log( ‘results:’ , results.status);
Any chance that this feature can be available for all users in the Editor?
Amazing! Thank you for sharing this.
@support66 I’ll forward your feedback to our team!
If someone are interesting how to implement this, send me a message!
You should write a how-to post in the forum, I’m sure other partners would find it incredibly valuable.
When I have time, i will write how can implement this functionality.
Amazing! Let me know when you do, I’d love to promote it!
@sheyla I created a page to test my implementation.
@fagnertakeshi This is so cool! Is this the final version?
@sheyla This page already works, booking a multiple appointment, choosing a specific date/hour at checkbox below.
@fagnertakeshi this is great work! The only thing missing is a how-to article
@sheyla takes time!!! I’ll do it!