booking multiple hours at once.

Hey guys!
I have a really big problem with my wix booking system.
Most of the value that comes from my site is booking more than one hour ( a session ) at once.
this option is not available at the moment from wix.

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I am also working on a solution for this right now too! But also share if you have already figured it out! I was hoping that the wix booking api could take an array of “slots” rather than just one slot object, so I am trying to map over my array of slots and for each slot, call the booking API

Following this forum. This is a huge pain for me right now. I hate that my clients have to book multiple times to fit their time slot.

Same. And I spent about 5 days of development time trying to piece together the booking and pay api to allow them to book multiple sessions in one booking flow but was running into the issue of the payment pop up first appearing correctly (with the total price as the total of each different session price* quantity), then that modal would refresh and show only the first selected session price and only 1 as the quantity. I had to tell my client that this was currently not possible. It was very frustrating and I had put a lot of work into trying to get this feature to work, but I think that the booking api will error if you try to insert custom logic for the paymentOptions portion…

Hey Amitay, Grace & Hannah.

Dani from Wix Bookings here.

Unfortunately we currently do not support booking multiple sessions at once, it’s a feature that was requested before, and is part of our future roadmap, though currently not scheduled.

The solution Grace has mentioned is feasible by creating multiple bookings behind the scenes, but has its drawbacks and requires a lot of custom code, so I can’t quite say that it suits every project.

Let me know if you want to discuss further details to see how can we help.



Have you figured out a solution to this? I’d love some direction on what to do…I’m designing a booking website for a client who needs the option to book multiple services at once and I can’t figure out how to make that possible. There’s gotta be an app out there somewhere that can easily integrate with Wix and offer better functionality, right?

Is this possible now to book more than one session in wix at a time …like if a session is for one hour then can I book multiple session at a time, say 2 sessions/hours so that the total cost will appear no. of session * price of one session

Based on the previous answer from the Bookings Product Manager, this is not something you can do now. As Dani said, it is part of their future roadmap. You can vote for this Feature Request here: .