Anchor links in Wix Studio

Can’t add Anchor link in Wix Studio. Am I missing something?

What are you trying to achieve:
I’ve got a button ‘above the fold’ on the homepage that says START HERE and want it to scroll people further down the page where my services are. When I try link the button, there is an option to link it to an anchor, but I can’t see how to create this anchor in the first place. You can add Anchor Menus but not individual Anchors


i’m looking for it aswel.

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Hello, C8lin.

Inside the editor, I can see the anchoring options.

On the right hand side inspector panel, you will find an ‘Anchor’ section.

This is as follows:
• Design
• Layout
• Position
• Cursor
Anchor - Click on here. - Please see below:

You can then enable and name the sections anchor.

Once this is complete, the button will have the ability to link to the anchor. Please see below:

Any other problems, please get in touch.


This isn’t working … I was able to add the anchor to the section but it doesn’t show up in the menu when trying to link a button to the anchor I set

Please help!

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Hey if you work for Wix let them know this is the DUMBEST place for them to have moved the anchors. Why would they do that when everyone has been taught and expects to find them in the elements panel?! Horrible choices in terms of UX. I really hate it a lot and also, it’s buggy and doesn’t work. So there’s that too.

Please don’t force us to migrate to Wix Studio because it is not good and Editor X is better.

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Hey @Emily_Hatton!

You’ll see those that work for Wix are either have “Community Manager” or “Wix Team” next to their name in the forum (like myself).

We appreciate the feedback, and I’d encourage you to share your feedback in the Studio Discord.

I understand that this is different from the Wix Editor, although this was also the behavior of Editor X.

Although I don’t work on the Product Team, the idea here is that all an elements controls (design, docking, padding/margins etc) all contained in one place, which also includes “Anchors”. The added benefit is that you can anchor to specific elements within the site structure as needed.

Either way, I’d encourage you to share your feedback in the Studio Discord.

Hey @noahlovell … In practice, it is confusing to not have this tool in the same place it has always been this entire time. Giving us more options is nice but this is not the case with Anchors. You took away an option and left us with only one that is in a place Wix has never guided us towards before (just google up any help article by Wix and they all direct towards the elements panel). Why not leave the option to add an anchor in the elements panel?

Furthermore, anchoring to an element on the page leads to LESS control over where the page lands. I struggled with it last night trying to find which element in my section will land the user in the place I want them to land and it would have been 100X easier if I could just place a friggin anchor line in the exact spot of my site that I want it land. It’s not like anchors are going to jump me down and then also to the right or zoom into a certain element on the page. It’s just jumping you straight down to a certain section of the page. An anchor line is all that’s needed. Anchoring to any friggin element is so dumb. Like as an option, ok. Cool. Give me more options. But as now the only option, it’s infuriating.

And I design websites for many clients. As a warning, this new Studio environment has been so cumbersome and adding to the amount of time it takes for me to design that I have started considering other alternatives for my clients moving forward.

The user experience with your system is so crucial to your success. Changing things constantly is bad for business (you just released Editor X only 3 years ago). We use you as a tool and if that tool becomes confusing and difficult to use or annoying because you keep changing it every few years, you will lose customers.

PS - I did what you suggested and made a post in the feedback forum as well


Hello Emily - Did you ever find a way to more specifically position the anchor where you would intend for it to go? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

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Unfortunately there’s no native way to do this, however, I’d recommend watching this video by Wix Fix - show’s how to easily implement this into your Wix Studio website using a small amount of code.

For those that don’t want to watch the video, paste the following into the code of the page you’re wanting to achieve this for, and then rename the section to whatever you’d like it to be. Once you’ve done so, add ‘#[insert section name here]’ at the end of your URL for that specified page.

import wixLocationFrontend from 'wix-location-frontend';

$w.onReady(function () {

    const anchor = wixLocationFrontend.url.split('#')[1];
    anchor && $w('#' + anchor).scrollTo();

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How do you find the address link to anchor in Wix studio. I know how to do in the editor version but I am not finding it in Wix studio. I know how to link an anchor I just can find the web address.

@Shelli_Scrogum The address isn’t available in the Studio Editor and requires a short snippet of code to get things working. Worth reading over @Harrry’s post just above yours for the details on how to do it.

In the meantime, feel free to vote for the feature here - Studio Editor Request: Unique Links for Anchors | Help Center |