Animated Cursor (Custom Code) not showing in Hamburger Menu


I’ve added a animated Custom Cursor with a custom code. It works perfectly on the main pages however the cursor, even the default one doesn’t work in the Hamburger Menu. It appears the Hamburger Menu is on a Layer above where the animated Cursor is (the cursor can be seen when I reduce the opacity of the menu. )

Anyone know what the issue or a possible solve is?

This is code I’m using:

<script src=""></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

new kursor({
Type: 1,
removeDefaultCursor: true,
color: '#dfe5e7'

My WIP site is at, built on Wix Studio.

Thanks in advance,

Hi, Meta_Hive !!

How about increasing the z-index values in the CSS file you’re loading? :thinking:

Thanks for the reply onemoretime!

The Z-Index on the CSS file is set at 2000. :man_shrugging:

But I found a workaround that I could live with. Enabled the default Cursor in the code and just replaced it with another custom cursor through the inspector panel.

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