Animations on users scroll

I have asked this before but several months ago. Has Velo added any new scripts to track a user scroll? I have been trying to make an image rotate based on a user scroll. I saw this on a demo with text. As the user scrolled up or down, the text would move. I was told this was coming soon so just thought I would ask.

You can use wix-animations for your purposes.

You can use wix-animations for your purposes.

Thank you for getting back with me. I don’t believe Wix Animation can accomplish what I am trying to do. I want to make an image rotate based on the users scroll. Please check out this site as an example. You can see the scrolling text and the praying hands move based on the scroll.

@tranelj You can do with Wix animation or try with custom element.

Of course you can do it, but therefore you will need more then just the wix animation. You will have to use…

  1. setInterval
  2. in combination with —>
  3. +Wix animations

Combined all together → it should be possible to achieve your aim.

What you have to know? What your code must be able to proceed?

  1. You have to know if you scroll-down or up? → YES! Why?
    This will let your CODE know if some scroll-movement is happening.

  2. If some movement is happening → start ANIMATION!

That’S it → Well done!

Would you be able to share the code for this animation? I can’t seem to figure it out