API for adding filter to CMS?

Is it posible to programmatically add a filter to a CMS collection? I keep track of user activity in my Velo app and I want to filter out my own -Dynamic- IP-address, which changes often (Starlink). I use the CMS to inspect the log, have no desire to write my own app for it in Velo.

Sure, the Velo API has quite a bit of query functionality

As for exactly what you want to filter, I’m not entirely sure I understand
Do you have CMS records which have an IP field, using which, you want to filter out records with your own IP in them?

That I know, been using Velo since 2017. I can write an app to do so using Wix Data, but what I would only need is an API to the CMS , the datagrid. There I now constantly add a new IP-address to the filter, but I would like to automate it. Thanks anyway.

Uh, I misunderstood your needs, good luck with that :sweat_smile: