API is too difficult for WIX beginner🥺 : [error] Incorrect API key provided

I wanted to put a chat GPT chat window on the Wicks homepage, so I studied hard while watching the YouTuber’s video(The Wix Wiz - How To Create an AI Chatbot with OpenAI and WIX). However, there is an error when trying to run it. I even used a new API code just in case. What’s wrong with my code? :face_holding_back_tears:

(sorry… i can’t put over 2 pictures because i’m new user… :frowning: So)

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Your code looks mostly correct! I noticed that you used the Wix-Secrets-Backend API which is a great way to make sure your authorization key stays secure.

The issue I see is that the authorization header uses single quotes (') instead of backquotes (`) which is required for template literals in JavaScript. Additionally, you have to make sure your API Key is stored in a variable named “apiKey” instead of “apiKei” based on your authorization header.

The following modifications should fix your code:

Line 6

const apiKey = await getSecret("OPENAI-API-KEY");

Line 17

'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`
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  1. Instead of passing your API, key from backend (where it WAS secure) to frontend, do both processes on —> BACKEND → a) FETCH-REQUEST including b) SECRETS-REQUEST and send only the RESULTS you got from CHAT-GPT back to FRONT-END.

  2. Your structure should look like…
    a) backend-code-1 jsw-module —> openAi.jsw
    b) backend-code-2 jsw-module → secrets.jsw

  3. Process-flow…

Calling the fetch-request on FRONT-END to start the fetch-process on BACKEND.

Step-2: Inside of your fetch-request, you first call (asynchronous) → wix-secrets from secrets.jsw (which is also on backend) to get your API-Key first.

Step-3: You got your API-KEy from SECRETS.JSW → your fetch-process continues and gets all data from OPEN-AI.

Step-4: You return the found OPEN-AI-RESULTS back to → FRONT-END.


If you need a complete Open-Ai CHAT-GPT-Manager → velo-ninja@outlook.com

Fully integrated into your Wix-Website with lot of features and functions.