Are there enough APIs available in wix code for people to try to create their own forum from scratch?

Are there enough APIs available in wix code for people to try to create their own forum from scratch?

Hey Dan. This is a big question! Forums exist in all kinds of “shapes” and “sizes”. By that I mean that functionality, features, look and feel are all elements of what constitutes a forum and your needs will likely be unique in many of these criteria (and some I haven’t mentioned).

Of course I would be remiss by not pointing out that Wix has a Forum App that you can use as the basis for your forum which gives you the membership management capabilities (Register, Log in etc.), post management and more. The Wix Forum is being updated with great new features and capabilities on a regular basis.

Wix has many great features that are available to anyone trying to build any kind of App. Of course as a new platform some capabilities may need to be added for specialised applications but in most cases Wix Editor combined with Wix Code delivers everything you need to build your own forum from scratch.

Obviously the Wix Editor gives you the opportunity to build a beautiful site with the specific look and feel that you need. The App Market offers hundreds of great Wix Editor extensions that enable you to add a wide range of pre built functionality that you can combine to deliver the features that specifically compliment the forum you might want to create.

Finally with Wix Code you have an opportunity to extend, typically static, page functionality with more interactive and context sensitive behaviours that you can only really do in software, we love Javascript!

Wix is free to use so the best way to test my answer out is to create a site and ‘play’ with your ideas. This forum is here to help guide you towards specific answers to problems you encounter as you roll up your sleeves and start crafting the Javascript you need to develop your forum concept.

Please make sure you spend the time to review the great resources we have available to you by looking at all of the options under Resources , Features and FAQs above.

Good luck

Thank you for your reply, Steve!!! Most people would NOT go into as much detail as you just did for me and I truly appreciate it!!! Thank you!!!