Build the Wix Forum Using Wix Code

Hi everyone,
I have been using the Wix Forum for a while now (Since November), and it is simply not good enough. I need a powerful forum with tons of features and full customization. I’ve been submitting feature requests, bug reports and complaints on the Wix Forum Community site, but it’s not enough. That’s when I got an idea… Why don’t I create my own forum using Wix Code. I’ve seen people create amazing things with Wix Code and I believe that with alot of help from you guys, I could really pull this off and build my own forum. I would like my forum to have all of the features that the Wix Forum has, such as categories, like buttons, follow buttons, a member page (displaying all of the users) and even notifications. I have no idea how to do any of this, so if anyone wants to help me out and give me step-by-step instructions, that would be much appreciated. Thanks!


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Building a forum from scratch is a big and complicated project that should take hundreds of hours for a single developer.
We do not provide step-by-step solutions but if you have a specific question we’d be happy to help you achieve your goal.

Best of luck!

Doron. :slight_smile:

I won’t make the forum myself, but maybe a Wix article or video to help users build their own forum would be nice. Many people would benefit from having their own custom-made forum. Just a suggestion :slight_smile: