I would like to create a Dynamic podcast Page , unfortunately, while Wix allows photo and video fields in the Database, there is none for audio .
I would like to create a dynamic page with an audio player, text describing the episode, and a link to download a transcript.
Neither the Wix Blog nor any audio players have that level of capability, so I would like to build it myself with the Database and a Dynamic Page.
Am I missing something? Or could this be added soon?
Oh !! An other one who need audio !!
I already made a post right there about it, few month ago : https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/community-feature-request/use-mp3-file-in-a-database
Already contacted the wix support also about it, but you know how they are. Even if you are telling them that you’ve already asked on the forum, even sending a forum link to it, they are still gonna answer you ‘‘You can also create a feature request of your own through our feedback form , on the Wix Code Forum.’’…
(At first i tought they just didnt read the full mail, so I said in the really first line of the mail that i already tried the forum… now i think they are only reading the title.)
If you want that feature can you like the post i made ? So far we are… 3. Youpi…
(And discussing on the post itself is a way to always keep the post at the very top of the request, so it will HOPEFULLY have attention from the Wix team… one day.)