Auto-adjust height on iFrame?

Hi guys
I have a multi-page form (third-party, not Wix’s) embedded in iFrame.
Each page in the form has a different height px.
Ex. page #1 - 400 px, page #2 - 800 px, page #3 - 500 px

I adjusted the iFrame height to fit the highest page, so page 2 in this case.
The problem here is that the first page is the shortest (this is on purpose, not to overload the questions on start) and the gap is very significant between the shortest and highest.
So I have a very large blank space on the strip containing the iFrame.
Under the strip with the iFrame I have another strip with additional content - which makes the gap looks even worse.

Is there any way to make the iFrame adjustable / responsive to the content it’s containing?

So in this case: making the iframe only 400 px, and when the user is advancing to page #2 on the form, it will stretch accordingly (AND drag the strip with it), and shrink again on page #3.

Let me know if this possible,
Thank you!

Hello Yan,

as i know, dynamic resizing of the HTML-Component is not available.

Possible solution in your case:
Generating 2x different sized HTML-Components and use the right one related to the page you are actualy on and hiding the not used HTML-Component at current moment.

You can do a lot of things inside the HMTL-Component (iFrame), but you can’t do a lot with the iFrame itself.

But because my last visit was already a while ago, perhaps already some things have changed and new possibilities are already given, who knows.

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