Automated Email Notifications Based on CMS Data


I am working on a Wix website and have set up two CMS collections that gather input from users. The first collection gathers product listings and cities, and the second collects email addresses and cities of people who are interested in receiving notifications about new products in their respective cities.

So for example, person X subscribes to chainsaws in New York City. Then if person Y would make a listing about a chainsaw in NYC, the person X would receive an automated email message from the system about this listing. The email would just simply tell that now there’s a listing, go check the website.

So the goal is for the email to be sent automatically to the people listed in the second CMS collection (Subscriptions) when a product announcement matching their city is added to the first CMS collection.

Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Try This - Wix Automations: Creating Automations for CMS Form Submissions | Help Center |

Sending bulk emails after bridging data between two different CMS collections will require a custom coded solution using Wix Velo.

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Thanks - this is also my understanding after having sparred with AI about this. ChatGPT suggests adding code to backend folder, naming the file as “data.js”.

The code would listen to changes in the first CMS, and if the changes match the subscription, the email would be sent.

But how can I connect my email to do this?

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That is correct, the code will have to be placed inside a data hook that is triggered everytime someone adds a new listing.

You can use Wix Triggered Emails or a third party email provider like SendGrid, whatever works best for you in the long run.

As I mentioned, developing this will require prior understanding of how to write Velo code, and if you’re not familiar with it then I’d suggest you hire a developer for this.