Trigger emails from cms

Is there a way to trigger an email automation from a change to the cms.

I want to alert client A that client B had added something to the cms. (Cms and repeaters are being used as a messaging system).

Hey Aiden,

From what I see, you can set up triggered emails for Forms submitted to the CMS via Automations.

However if its not a form, then this will have to be custom coded using Data Hooks and Triggered Emails.

How are the client B selected? Are they random or specific people?

Client B could be anyone who has submitted a “message” and their email address into the cms through a custom form. Client A is one specific person.

Automations would work for alerting Client A as this is always the same person but not client B as they are always different.

There is a CMS option in Wix automation. Check this out - Wix Automations: Creating Automations for CMS Form Submissions | Help Center |

Then would I need some code to pull the unique email from the cms?

You can set the individual email. Even if you are unable to just create a new email list with just the address of client(or multiple clients), that will work