Base form collecting and feeding different input info for dynamic pages.

I need to create a dynamic page and i need it to have an input form that allows me to collect and post user’s text for each one of my items’ pages.

For example:
I have 900 different items (that’s why I need a database to feed my dynamic page), and in each one of these automatically generated pages I need a form to collect text (opinions) and post automatically on the page the user was navigating.

Is it possible to add a form on my dynamic page template and make it feed different information for and in each one of my 900 items pages? In addition, I need a copy of users’ inputs via email.

Is it too much for wix code?

Thanks so much.

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It is possible via the wixData API

Insert the user input into a Database using the insert() function and then you can use data hooks to send emails as required. I recommend to use SendGrid for emails.