Basic Filter

I have a page to show activities that take place on different dates.

I have made the database # dataset1 with the fields that are connected to the dynamic page “eventosymas (all)”, on this page I want to create a dropdown that filters by years, which I have achieved by connecting the dropdown to the database using the option: dasaset configuration, year filter equal to drop-down value, and in the drop-down list I have put 2020 and 2021, in such a way that if I select 2020 the activities of 2020 appear and if I select 2021, those of 2021 appear.

What I want to put in the drop-down an option that says “Show all”, but I can’t get it to work.

Or put a button that shows everything and then the dropdown can work again, since I have used:

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
$ w (‘# dataset1’). setFilter (wixData.filter ());

With that it shows everything, but then the dropdown no longer works.

I don’t know if I explain myself;)