Best order management/accountancy site to use with editor x?

Hello all, anyone have any recommendations for order management software to use with editor x?

I can’t use the standard wix system as I also have a page with a custom order setup. You can’t manually add orders to the wix system so this isn’t any good for me. I would like a setup that allows me to automatically add orders from the wix store. I understand that I’ll then have to manually add my custom orders. I’m having trouble finding one at a reasonable price.

Any suggestions? Many thanks :grin:

This can be achieved through Velo in building a custom shopping experience. And unfortunately, from my experience, there is no “reasonable” price as soon as you need to design and code a custom business solution.

Especially if your businees depends on it,

@studio-shapeshift thanks for the feedback buy I can’t see this being the easiest way. I’ve been doing research over the last couple of days and I’m currently at using a site like zapier to send the info over to when someone makes an order.

I’d still prefer to simplify it but I may end up giving the above method a go