You can now add a Google reCAPTCHA element to help prevent spam and other types of automated abuse.
It’s now possible to prompt site visitors to complete a CAPTCHA challenge before they can perform certain actions on your site, like submitting a form, logging into your site, or viewing restricted content.
Where can we find this element
Some reference material:
Read about the reCAPTCHA Element here
Check out the Code Tutorial here
Play with an example website here , or check out its actual code here (you will need to be logged into your Wix account)
We will post the full API documentation in the upcoming days.
That’s it, have a blast!
And of course, I’m here if you have any questions
It’s opened now
@brett-haralson It is open.
@roberthamilton Please find it under User Inputs. If you don’t see it there, try refreshing your Editor.
Hi Eyal,
This is great! I have messaged you…
@eyalc @brett-haralson , thank you both!!
API documentation is now available:
As always, feedback is more than welcome!
Nice! And working with it brought me to the following suggestion: Could you maybe add show() and hide() to the element. I guess it makes sense to hide the Captcha-element until the user hits the “subscribe-type-of-button”. The editor allows to hide the element on load, but this doesn’t make sense if you cannot show the element later on.
@marcokooman Sorry for the very late response. It’s been the Hebrew New Year and many of us are out on vacation.
Sounds like a good idea. I see no reason not to add it. Will discuss with the team and get back to you.
What you can do in the meantime is put the Captcha element inside a Box (or a Lightbox) element and show/hide this box.
Where would you like the Captcha to appear? In a dedicated space you’re keeping for it? In a pop-over? Or would you like it to expand/collapse rather than show/hide and therefore push the rest of the content down the page?
@eyalc No problem, thanks for replying. Appreciate it. In my use-case I’d prefer to simply put it on the screen and hide or collapse it during load. When the user hits a “subscribe-type-of-button” on the screen, I’d like to show or expand the Captcha. I prefer show/expand over a lightbox/pop-over as show/expand is a bit quicker/leaner and creates a smoother user experience.
@marcokooman Thanks! Will update as soon as I can confirm this is in progress.
@marcokooman Just to make sure I understand the flow:
- The Submit button is not disabled. Visitor fills in required information and clicks it.
- You show/expand a Captcha and disable the Submit button(?)
- Once the visitor passes the Captcha you enable the button again? Or do you move on to submit the content automatically?
- Yes, submit button is enabled, the Captcha is not visible (to not spook the user on submitting)
- Yes, when submitting the Captcha becomes visible & active, the submit button is disabled
- Yes, on passing the Capcha, the Captcha hides/collapses. The subscription is being processed and registered/saved. The submit button is being enabled again for a potential next subscription
(My use case aims to submit for search alerts, meaning one visitor can subscribe multiple times. e.g. 1st time with search-word “A” 2nd time with search-word “B”. However when being able to enable/disable the button and showing/hiding the Captcha, a variety of opportunities become possible)
This may be a moot comment but I dislike the look of the standard CAPTCHA however I feel it is needed. I ended up using Mailchimp for one of my landing pages but I would much prefer finding a way to use Wix but with a similar CAPTCHA my landing page shows here on the bottom right side of the page -
Feedback is never moot! Thanks for sharing this, the product team appreciates it!
@sylview This is excellent feedback, thanks for sharing! Indeed we are considering a follow-up release that will support Invisible reCAPTCHA. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi @marcokooman ,
Just an update that we’ve added HiddenCollapsedMixin to Captcha, so now you can use show/hide & expand/collapse.
We also added a Hide Element button for it in the Mobile Editor.
Any additional feedback is always welcome. Thanks!
@eyalc thank you for the update!
@eyalc - checking to see if the update is available yet.