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If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments section below. @robrush and the team look forward to your responses.
Will it feed into all apps such as bookings and stores?
I can tell position one is text. It would be great to know what each of the other colours feeds into automatically e.g. position 2 background like strips
Could we have the ability with text to set 2 colour options. I often find with my designs I have the need for a light option and a dark option depending on the element colour the text is on?
Overall love the idea that this is more accessible to set up thank you Wix team
I’m a little confused. How is this any different than changing font styles or colors than how we did it before? I could change a h1 font for example and apply that style site wide before.
Hi I have had another thought, when we set the colour themes up from an element we had some preset options to also try this was great to give the client ideas and even myself to be honest, any chance we could have this feature back. I like the free form but would like both please. Dont know how others feel
Obviously this has been out for a bit now and it works great but we should be able to manage button and box styles in this section as well.
This may be separate feedback but I have noticed that with the button/icon elements, we are not able to save a set theme for them. I find this difficult to use because I have to constantly make the same theme over again or duplicate a previously made element to get the same designs. Having the ability to not only save that theme but have that available in the new section would be incredibly helpful.
Had another idea could we in the themes state if we want the theme to apply to other apps and elements e.g buttons, Wix store, bookings, events, challenges etc