wix blog post jumps to top of page when selecting a category menu item, see here: https://www.headrockdogs.org/news-stories
How do I fix this please?
Please contact Wix Support here so they can check the issue.
I keep going round in circles on your support site, please can you take the info from here. Thanks
You are posting on the Corvid Forum which deals with code related issues only.
If you have used any Corvid example as shown here which uses the Wix Blog app with Corvid, then we can help you.
However, if you have not used code and are just using the Wix Blog app itself, then as Aleks has already said, you need to be contacting Wix Support for more help with the Wix Blog app
Or you can go to the Wix Blog’s own community and ask your question there.
Also, note that the Wix Blog app has its own support pages here.
@givemeawhisky Got it! ok thank you for the info much appreciated.