Brainstorming how our Contractors invoice us

Hi all,

My client has a team of subcontractors that provide dog training services. They each currently fill out a spreadsheet with the dates of each services they provided, export it and email it to my client as an invoice.

This setup works well because it allows me to easily edit and organize their spreadsheet templates as I need to (I handle their payments) and I can then easily create our expense reports from there. The spreadsheet also calculates the totals for them and all.

That said I’ve been looking for a way where they can just fill out a form (similarly to how customer fill out and submit Wix Custom Forms) and submit it via a hidden page on my client’s website instead. However forms don’t come with a component that adds up sums and other numbers I would need to use these forms as their new way of creating and submitting their invoices.

And so I’m looking for ideas on how to best have them basically fill out a timesheet and submit using Wix.
