Bug in CollapseIn and PopIn Animations


I’m not sure if this is how you report bugs, but i couldn’t find another place so i will post here.

Both animations are not working at all, errors are logged in the console.

I’m using Chrome/63.0.3239.132


You’ll find a list of supported animations here:


Both of CollapseIn and PopIn are in the list at the link you provided for me , which mean that they should be supported.

Hi Ehab,
You are right. Now I see that there are two lists on that page. In one it shows, and in the other, which I was looking at, it doesn’t.
I’ll check why they are not supported, but it will probably take a while to support them.
In the meantime, I’ll have them removed from the first (wrong) list.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

You are welcome