Building a property renting website

Hello! I am currently building a property rental website with multiple properties with different room types. Here are the issues:

  1. Displaying information (looking for a more efficient way)
    I am currently using the CMS function to display it, but I am just posting it out here to see if there are other more efficient ways to display information?

  2. Building a better search bar to filter properties:
    The current search bar I’ve built enables the user to filter the CMS items, but is there a way for the user to be redirected to another page of filtered items instead of it being a filter for the page itself?

Here’s the flow I would like to have:
User lands on homepage > filters properties and etc > clicks on search > redirects to a brand new page with filtered results

I’ve tried to connect that to the CMS, but the buttons on Wix Studio does not have a function where users can be redirected to a filtered page- it only works if the filters are applied on a dynamic page instead.

I am also planning to check out Wix Hotels, so it’ll be a bonus if there’s any opinions regarding that function as well. :slight_smile:

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:

  1. More efficient way to display information on CMS (if any).
  2. A search bar that redirects the user upon applying filters.

What have you already tried:

  1. Displaying information: I am currently using CMS but it seems a little inefficient to display MULTIPLE room types for ONE property with different price points. I currently have one collection for one type of room which isn’t efficient, as I have multiple room types.

  2. Search bar: See above.

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

Thank you!

I know of 3 ways that Wix allows you to solve the problem.
Method 1. On the home page, based on the selected filters, you create a link with query parameters to the page with the repeater. For example “”. When you click on the “Search” button, you open this link.
On the page with the repeater, you check the query parameters, and based on them, change the filters on the page and display the corresponding collection elements. This method is good because you can send a link with filters by mail or share it on social networks.

Method 2: Use session from “wix-storage-frontend” to transfer the selected filters. First, we write the selected filters to session. And then we read them on the page with the repeater.

Method 3. Using “Router Pages”. Applicable if you have a small number of filters. Filters are placed in the path of url address. On the “Router Page” read filters from path and display the results based on the filters. This option is the most difficult to set up.

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