Custom pages and sections with Wix Hotels features/data through which people can book

I’m working on a vacation home rental agency website, currently setting up Wix Hotels by HotelRunner. I made another Wix Studio website earlier utilizing CMS and really liked how I can create cards with repeaters connected to a CMS database and individual pages of items populated by their fields. I’m looking to do the same with vacation rentals.

As far as I saw, Wix Hotels currently only gives you 3 premade blocks (date search bar, date search bar combined with listings and checkout, and an availability calendar.

How can I create custom elements, sections, pages using the listing’s (i.e. room’s) details? Is there a possibility to have the room details duplicated in a CMS that I could use smartly when creating the website? Is there a way to make this CMS created page capable of having buttons that make the connection to the actual listing in Wix Hotels so guest can pay and book that listing?

Wix Studio, Wix Hotels by HotelRunner, CMS

What are you trying to achieve:
I would like to make:

  1. featured listing section with selected listing on the home page
  2. rentals page with filters; results showing on the left as cards with information about them and two button “View” and “Book”. Book would take you to the individual rental’s page showing pictures, details, amenities, availability, location; while “Book” would take you to checkout with the selected rental and dates loaded into cart, so you can finish your booking
  3. individual pages for rentals, same as where the “View” button from search would take you: page showing pictures, details, amenities, availability, location
  4. customising checkout page. Currently the checkout section seems to be in one section with the search result display, and asks visitors to select how many times they want to book a rental (by default 0, and you have to click “+” to add it to your booking, which is confusing)

What have you already tried:
I found this article (Building a property renting website) but it doesn’t mention how they use CMS alone for making property rentals work. Also no information on how it got to work together with Wix Hotels once adding that to the mix.

Thank you in advance, any help or guidance appreciated.


I am doing the exact same thing… I have already created my own CMS dataset and have used that to create a custom list on my home page using repeaters. Now, I am trying to find direct links of the individual “rooms” within the booking engine so that I can use those links in the repeaters to direct users to the booking page of the engine. (I am using Wix Hotels by HotelRunner)

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That sounds great, I am still yet to create the CMS-based pages. Let us know if you have found the direct links, that would be a start at creating custom pages other than the Hotelrunner blocks.

Unfortunately, direct links to individual “rooms” are not yet available. I spoke to support and raised it as a feature request as well as raised it here online. Hopefully, they will do it soon.