Buttons in the Theme Manager

I just saw the beta of styled buttons. I really like/am excited about the additional features.

I would REALLY like a way to save buttons into the theme manager so that we can make global changes to buttons across the whole site. As a designer, this is SOOO necessary. Also, I would really like to see text scaling available on buttons as well.

It’d be nice to be able to save multiple styles of buttons as well into the theme manager. Right now it’s such a pain to make changes to things like this.

I know we can save them as design assets. But as far as I know you can’t then make modifications or changes. It’s just a stagnant asset that you can use repeatedly (which is great…but not what I’m looking for in this regard.)

Adding these two features would take away a lot of pain I’m currently experiencing as a designer using editor x.

#featurerequest #wishlist #buttons #thememanager #textscaling editorx


I’ve just hit this problem too - seems like an obvious need that editing an existing asset to change ALL buttons that reference that asset should be a feature. Very surprised this isn’t in the editor :frowning: Is this ever going to be possible Wix team?

@Matt_Hardy Thanks for the input! I’m going to see what I can find out!

Since the initial post is from an older date, I recommend that we start a new post in the feedback area. In the meantime, I’m going to close this topic to help others in the future.