Can downloads made by users on my site be saved to database?

Hi Wix Code team! I was wondering if at is at all possible for users to download pictures from my gallery and those pictures are displayed on their profile page. I have this activity on my site that allows users to compete in challenges and earn digital “awards”. The awards are displayed on my site’s Wix Pro Gallery. I have the awards linked to individual password protected pages on my site. When a user wins the challenge, I send a code to their email account so they can open the locked page and download the image (which is stored on another Wix Pro Gallery). Here is an example: John wins the challenge. I send John a code to his email. John clicks on the correct award displayed on the gallery (not downloadable) and opens the link. He pastes the code from his email account to open the password protected page. The password protected page contains another Wix Pro Gallery with one image of an award (downloadable). He then downloads the award onto his computer.
What I want is when a user downloads a picture from the gallery, it is displayed on their profile page. Is it possible to do this? Sorry for the rather long example, but I want to make this as clear as possible because many users on my site have requested this feature! Thanks!

You basically need to record per image who downloaded it. This requires the person downloading the image to login or identify somehow. I think that if you get them to do that you can store a link from the image to the user who downloaded it and then use this link to display images in the user’s profile page.
How is your profile page built? What does it contain?