I have a custom form on my website that is collecting e-mail / text submissions, which I would like to store into Wix Contacts & CRM. My goal is bring together the data into one contacts list, so I have a single view of each “contact” that interacts with my site.
I started off by referring to this resource: Wix Automations: Creating Automations for CMS Form Submissions | Help Center | Wix.com
Based on that article, I have set up an automation where I have “enabled sync with Wix CRM.” This matches up by e-mail address and applies a label. Within Contacts, I have also created other contact fields. However, I do not see the option to “match” to these fields, and connect to a field from my custom form.
Am I approaching this correctly? Or do I need to write some Javascript code on the backend to connect the databases?