Can I remove elements on my multilingual site?

I want to have my sight in another language but the multilingual option doesn’t allow me to remove elements that I don’t want on the other site. Is there a way to hide elements on one site and not the other? TIA

You mean, hide/show elements based on the language being browsed? Yes

Use wixWindow.multilingual.currentLanguage, then hide/show or expand/collapse the elements accordingly

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Hi! Thanks for the reply. When I move things around on my second language site, to fit in properly, it moves the things on my first language site. Can I unlink them? Since my second language is spelled left to right and won’t work in the same spot as my first language. Thanks so much

You’ll need to duplicate the elements and tag them accordingly. Have the secondary language collapsed/hidden by default

For example:

import { multilingual } from ‘Wix-window-frontend’

if (multilingual.currentLanguage === ‘he’) {
    $w(‘#someElement-en’).hide() // or collapse
    $w(‘#someElement-he’).show() // or expand
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Ok thanks. But I won’t be able to move them around, will I?

You duplicate the elements, put the duplicates wherever you want….

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