Can I use Visual Studio or any software to write Velo codes?

I have very good Internet and PC (High end PC with Ryzen 5 2600X and 200Mpbs to 50Mpbs internet) but Wix Editor is very very slow I tried every single thing to do it better browser based Editors is not using enough hardware power and when I try to write code (in even fullscreen) my code is coming with almost 2-3 seconds delay. I don’t want to code like that please make a Windows Software and let Editor use the hardware power for that because it’s very bad I don’t think anyone writing code in a very smooth screen (I’m in the 600+ lines with a lot of elements right now).

Is there any way to integrate Wix Editor with another software or please Wix create a program and let us write our codes smoothly and design our website smoothly it’s like 5FPS right now and it happens me every time because I have a heavy website but this is not a problem so what would you tell me to don’t create heavy website I don’t think so :frowning:

Sorry but Wix Editor is like 5FPS and it’s trash. We need a program that can use more GPU and CPU power or I don’t know I’m a customer and I want to fix this problem but problem is not based on my side it’s all about Wix.

*I will write this for like 5th times to Wix Support again. :frowning:

I use Visual Studio to code and then, copy and paste all the code to the page I’m working on it.

There was a beta solution, and I think it is deprecated already, that was an offline editor. Velo-CLI, something like that.

In any way Editor is slow Wix needs to do an update about this

The bigger your project grows, the bigger gets the delay. Yes I can.