Triggered emails are great for customizing response email right into your potential customer inbox. However, it seems like the person filling out the form has to be a member registered with your site in order for the trigger email to be sent. Or I am wrong and I just need a little wix code guidance. Anyone, please?
You are right about: " it seems like the person filling out the form has to be a member registered with your site in order for the trigger email to be sent ".
If you wish to send email to nonmember you need to use third party service.
Check out this article:
Thanks Roi for taking the time to respond to my issue. However, I am familiar with third party providers like SendGrid. I have successfully used their services to send messages to members and also to myself as admin. What I am hoping to develop is a triggered email from WIX, with it’s customized tailored abilities. It seems like only registered members can have these triggered emails sent to their inbox. I highly expect that it can be done by someone who is very savvy with Wix Code. But that’s not me. I am pretty good at following clear concise instructions, and maybe manipulate some simple code but times like this I run into a wall. Only because no one in the know has tried to develop the code, yet!
We are working on this feature. It will take a while.
Thanks Roi. Please send me your heads-up when it’s finished. Use me for your beta testing if you like. Love to help.