Can this be done with Velo?

I’ve been asked to add a simple app to an existing Wix site for a charity group. I have no exp with Wix but fairly familiar with php html css js. I’d like to know if what I’m planning is feasible with velo

Requirement: members want to log a certain activity. Each day, each member records how many minutes they spent. Everyone can see how much total time have been spent by the whole group. Maybe create some nice charts/graphics, and be able to filter results by month, year, etc That’s it.

I’ve already created the db with necessary member and activity tables using MySQL in cpanel (maybe prematurely). Can I import them to Wix?

The members are elderly and the login needs to be dead simple. One possibility is to have a url with a hash unique to each member and send them that url. Then they just have to click on the URL every time. If i were doing this in php it’s easy enough to get the hash param, do a db lookup, and redirect to the appropriate page. Can I do something like that in velo?

Failing that, can i just have normal user login?

Is this possible backend wise? Do you see any stumbling block?

UI wise, does Wix have some nice calendar widget i can use? What about graphics/ charts?

Thanks in advance for

Velo is based on JS, not a new coding language.

Use Wix External Data SPI to connect MySQL, then make changes (add / edit / delete) with the Wix Data API in Velo.

You can do all members stuff with Wix members API + custom code.

Backend: Also Node JS, so simple, no gap between languages.

For the calendar widget, there are date input element where user to input date. If you are asking dynamic content in the calendar, build it with Repeaters.

Graphics / charts: HTML embed with communication between the HTML & page code can make the magic.