Can we do Website scraping in wix?

I want to fetch some data from different websites as soon as they have an update on a particular page & field and then store this data in Wix database collection?

Scraping data from another site is possible using the Wix Fetch library.
What you will need to do is to download the data into a string after you have fetched the page.
Then you need to create code that will parse out the info you want and make an array of those items.

Check out this forum post on website scraping:

Thanks Yevheniia for this update.
as per the link ‘The wix-fetch API can be used in your site’s front-end or backend code.’
How can i use it in front-end without code. Currently I am learning coding on Javascript shared by @yisrael-wix .

Also is it possible to use wix-fetch where web url does not provide api.