Can you create custom elements in WIX Studio?

Can custom elements be created in WIX Studio?

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
A hover box with a customized behavior.

What have you already tried:
I looked at existing hover boxes, but what they do is very built-in basic. I have a different behavior I would like to accomplish, see below.

Additional information:
So there would be two hover boxes side by side on a main page, when you hover on one of the boxes, this one slides to one side, right or left, pushing the other one almost completely out of the way. But leaving enough so you can still hover on the second one which then it turns pushes the first one out. Once you click on one of them, it takes you to another page. (in other words, this is kind of a menu that takes you in two different directions depending on which one you choose).

Does → user1521 also have a name or at least a nickname?
Do not like to answer to some kind of AI generated questions.

My name is Luis. I don’t know why it named me user1521. Not AI …
thank you either way

For your purpose you also could use a HTML-Component (iFrame).
If this element is available on Wix-Studio, use it and genereate your own custom hover-box.

But also a CUSTOM-ELEMENT should work, if it is already available on Wix-studio, since wix studio still do not provide all basic elements you normaly know from ordinary Wix-Editor.

So was that a Yes or a No ? I don’t develop so I’m not sure what you said.

Since HTML-Components are already a part of Wix-Studio…

2024-02-18 18_41_29-Wix Studio _ My Site 7
2024-02-18 18_42_43-Wix Studio _ My Site 7

…and also a custom element is available…

…i would say, yes it is possible to generate your wished functionality.

But this for you will need to have knowledge in HTML+CSS+JS (or J-query).

ok. thank you so much !

This could probably be done without code now in Studio. Will test it if I have time today.

Oh wow, Dan that’s awesome. Were you able to test if this is possibly ?

I havnt yet. been to busy with paid work. will get to it eventually.

Almost had all of the same first time user issues as discussed but the live chat I.T team is amazing