Released: Custom Elements in X

We are glad to announce that now you can create Custom Elements in Editor X.

With Custom Elements to create HTML elements with their own behaviour and properties, events and so on using javascript giving them the feel of a native Editor X component.

Possibilities of elements you can create are endless, but here are a few ideas: breadcrumbs, custom buttons, tooltips, slideshows, snackbar messages…etc.

Get started by adding the custom element from the Add panel ( Embed > Custom Element )

Here is an example of a dark/light mode switch:

Note: Custom Components may requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS.

Here are some useful resources to get started:

We are eager to see what you create using custom elements. Please share your feedback below :slight_smile:


Do custom elements in Editor X still require a Primumn Subscription like they do in the classic Editor?

This is amazing news!! One of the most outstanding (pun intended) features for EditorX

Yes, currently you need to have your own domain connected to the site with a Premium to render the code.

Note that this is due to a security reasons as the tool is very powerful and allows you to add custom JS, we require a personal domain to prevent any malicious activity on the free Wix domain.

Would be great to have a tutorial for this feature! Also it would be great if we could have access to this feature in the editor even if we don’t have a premium plan. We should at least be able to preview the code in the editor. It’s fine if on the live site it doesn’t show because it requires a premium plan, but we should at least be able to test out the custom element in the editor preview or feedback site before having to upgrade the site. Just a thought. Thanks!

good point tho :v never thought 'bout that

It’s great. Thanks

Al parecer, aún no mejoran las características de la tienda online. Es muy necesario para los que vendemos productos por su plataforma que desarrollen ésta cualidad ya que aún es muy débil el diseño y peor para la versión móvil. No se pueden hacer 2 columnas.
Creo que editor X no está pensado para Marketplaces…