can you set a Collection on a Shop Grid Gallery in Wix Code?

Hello Wixers,

I want to great a dynamic page that shows all the products in a shop collection, but it looks like I have to create a page for each collection… surely I can do this with a dynamic page?

I have created a dynamic list page, added a Dataset connected to Shop/Collections and added a Shop Grid Gallery (product grid). There is nowhere in the settings of the Shop Grid Gallery to set the dataset, so I am wondering, can this be done in Wix code?

Or is there a better way to do this which i’m unaware of?

Thanks for any help.

Hi Jamie!

Did you find any solution to accomplish this?

Thanks beforehand!

No, nothing dynamic anyway. I ended up creating a static page for each category and adding a configured collection to it. If I add more collections I have to add more pages… I don’t believe there has been an advancement to shop collections to make them interactive with Wix Code yet :cry:

I sometimes regret that I use Wix. It’s been so long but they don’t take responsibility on things that are very crucial to us, who doesn’t know codes!