Sync My Dynamic page with my Grid Product Gallery

My current situation specifically related to “ link ” a Button with a “ Stores/Collections (Name) ” dynamic page. This dynamic page contains a “ Grid Product Gallery ” which is important as Wix Store package that facilitates the collections’ or products’ display and the feasibility of it for the user. I created the dynamic page and connected it with the collections where “ /Stores/Collection ”. My considering is, My “ Grid Product Gallery ” doesn’t display a specific collection synced with the dynamic page. It Displays “ All Products ”. To display a specific Collection, I’ve to do it manually from the Grid Product Gallery ’s settings but this specific collection being displayed into the whole dynamic pages although i choose a specific collection but it turns to be display on the others collection, too(which unrealistic situation). I’m an E-commerce website that has more that 150 Brands (Collections). I wanted to create a dynamic page instead of creating 150 collections’ pages to have a good website’s performance . My problem is, I need to connect the “ Grid Product Gallery ” with the dynamic page so, every time the client join my website and choose brand, the “Grid Product Gallery” displays ONLY the related products.