Hey guys I am having some difficulty in determining the error in this code. Keeps returning this error at line 22 and I’m assuming it would happen for ‘couponCode’ as well.
let couponArray;
$w.onReady( async function () {
$w( “#couponsDataset” ).onReady( async () => {
let results = await $w( “#couponsDataset” ).getItems( 0 , 8 );
couponArray = results.items;
$w( ‘#textGroup’ ).children.forEach((element, index) => {
element.text = couponArray[index].couponName;
function showPrize() {
let prize = $w( ‘#winningCoupon’ ).text;
let coupon = couponArray.find((element, index) => {
return element.couponName === prize;
$w( ‘#prizeName’ ).text = You won: ${coupon.couponName}
$w( ‘#prizeName’ ).show();
$w( ‘#prizeCode’ ).text = Your Coupon Code is: ${coupon.couponCode}
$w( ‘#prizeCode’ ).show();
$w( ‘#greeting’ ).hide();
export function spinButton_click(event) {
let spinOptions = {
“duration” : 1500 ,
“delay” : 1 ,
“direction” : “ccw” ,
“cycles” : 10
$w( ‘#spinButton’ ).disable();
$w( ‘#wheelOfFortune’ ).hide( ‘spin’ , spinOptions).then(() => {
$w( ‘#wheelOfFortune’ ).show( ‘spin’ );
$w( ‘#spinButton’ ).enable();
function randomizeSpinner(array) {
let shuffledArray = shuffleArray(array);
$w( ‘#textGroup’ ).children.forEach((element, index) => {
element.text = shuffledArray[index].couponName;
function shuffleArray(array) {
for ( let last = array.length - 1 ; last > 0 ; last–) {
const next = Math.floor(Math.random() * (last + 1 ));
// ECMAScript 2015 allows us to assign two variables at once.
// We can swap the values of two variables in one line of code.
[array[last], array[next]] = [array[next], array[last]];
return array;