Can't get SendGrid to work: send help!

Hi, I’m trying to use SendGrid to send an email on form submission, but struggling to get it to work. I’m designing a website for a healthcare clinic, which employs a number of practitioners. I’ve got dynamic pages set up for each practitioner, with a contact form on the dynamic page. I’m using SendGrid because I want the practitioner to get a notification email when someone submits the contact form on their page. This is the code I’ve got so far…

SendGrid. jsw :

import sgMail from "@sendgrid/mail";

import {getSecret} from 'wix-secrets-backend';

export async function sendEmail(recipient, subject, sender, body){
    const apiKey = await getSecret("SendGridAPI");


    const message = {

    return sgMail.send(message)


Page code:

import {sendEmail} from 'backend/SendGrid'

$w.onReady(function () {

    function sendFormData() {
        const message = {
            subject: `You have a new message from website`,
            recipient: $w("#dynamicDataset").getCurrentItem()["email"],
            sender: "[email@address. com]",
            body: `Hi! You've received a new message from: ${$w("#inputName").value}.
            \rEmail address: ${$w("#inputEmail").value}
            \rPhone number: ${$w("#inputPhone").value}
            \rMessage: ${$w("#inputMessage").value}
            \rPlease respond at your earliest convenience. Thanks, York Clinic.`

        sendEmail (message.subject, message.recipient, message.body)
            .then(response => console.log(response));

I’ve been using a YouTube tutorial by Wix as a basis for this (can’t post the link but it’s called ‘Third Party Integrations Webinar SendGrid | Velo by Wix’) as well as several other (quite old) posts from the velo forum.

I’ve been struggling with this for quite a while now, so if anyone can check my code/let me know what I’m doing wrong, it’d be really really appreciated!!

Many Thanks,

Did you figure this out? I am having the same issue. Thanks.

The problem with the posted code is that the function argument order is wrong. Compare the function declaration and the function call and you will see (also the sender is missing).